tabs prueba
Ph.D. Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany, 2000, MAGNA CUM LAUDE
M.A. Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, 1992-2000, Master Degree in Communication Sciences, SUMMA CUM LAUDE (Mit Auszeichnung)
M.A. Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain,1982-1987, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información
Central Connecticut State University (Department of Communication)
(2012 - present) Professor
(2015 - 2017; 2019 - 2020) Director of the Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Center at Central Connecticut State University
(2007 - 2012) Associate Professor
(2003 - 2007) Assistant Professor
Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain
(2010-2011) Visiting Professor
University of Connecticut
(2002 - 2003) Visiting Professor
World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
(2009-2012) WAPOR representative in Spain.
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Institut für Publizistik
(1996-2002) Assistant Professor
Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
(2001 – 2014) Conducting seminars for doctor’s degree candidates
2003-Present Central Connecticut State University
- Public Opinion
- Public Opinion Research Methodologies
- Mass Communication Theory
- Political Communication in the Age of Surveillance
- Digital Revolution and the Crisis of Information
- Media Literacy
- Web Publishing
- New Communication Technologies
- Rhetorical Studies
- Persuasion Theory and Research
- Public Relations: Historical Development and Social Impact
- Filmic Narrative
- Film History
2002-2003 University of Connecticut
- Persuasion Theory and Research
- Public Relations: Historical Development and Social Impact
- Communication Processes in Advertising
2010-2011 Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid, Spain)
- Persuasion Theory and Research
- Principles of Advertising
- Public Relations Theory
1996-2002 Johannes-Gutenberg Universität (Mainz, Germany)
- Summer Semester 1998 – Summer Semester 2002
- Public Opinion in Literature and Philosophy
- Summer Semester 1998 – Summer Semester 2002
- Public Opinion: Methodological Approaches
- Summer Semester 2001
- Honor in the Mass Media Society
- Winter Semester 2001-02
- Public Opinion Versus Published Opinion
1999-2012 Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain)
- Public Opinion Research (seminar for doctoral candidates)
Del Ama, José Carlos (Book in Progress) The Post-history Generation Goes to College. Media Usage and Academic Performance in the Age of Social Media.
Del Ama, José Carlos (2023) A Map of Worries. How Social Media is impacting the Perceived Urgency of Issues in the Current College Generation. INTED. DOI: 10.21125/inted.2023
Del Ama, José Carlos; Mealy, Marissa; Kim Yeojin (2022) The Cultural Quotient Scale: In Search for a Consistent Predictor of Academic Performance. ICERI2023. November, 2022. DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2022
Del Ama, José Carlos; Mealy, Marissa; Kim Yeojin (2021) Impact or Media Consumption Habits on Academic Performance. ICERI2021. November, 2021. DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2021
Del Ama, José Carlos; Moni, Yaci; Mealy, Marissa (2018) Bidimensional Acculturation and Academic Success Among Latina/o College Students. Journal of Latina/o Psychology. v.3, 220-234, DOI:10.1037/lat0000098.
Del Ama, José Carlos and López Medel, Ismael (2017) Bienvenidos a la máquina: Un estudio comparativo de la educación en el Baltimore ficticio y el Hartford real. In The Wire University. Ed. J. Cigüela, J. Martínez Lucena. Barcelona. Editorial UOC.
Del Ama, Jose Carlos and López Medel, Ismael (2017) City and Fate: The narrative Function of the Baltimore’s Visual presence in The Wire. The International Journal of the Image, Volume 8, Issue 1
Del Ama, José Carlos; Del Ama Fernando; Sáenz de Tejada, Carlota, Social Media in Higher Education: Penetration, Impact.
Del Ama, Jose Carlos and López Medel, Ismael (2014) Visual Popular Culture and Political Power. Via Panorâmica, Via Panorâmica: revista de estudos anglo-americanos (Volume integral - série III, nº 3, 2014. Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Peer reviewed. Available online at
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2013) La Opinion Pública en la España de Cervantes (Public Opinion in Cervantes’s Spain). Pamplona. EUNSA.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2013) La fachada del poder. El sambenito como nexo simbólico entre pueblo e instituciones. In Poder y autoridad en el Siglo de oro: realidad y representación. Ed. A. Apolinario Lourenco and J.M. Usunáriz. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona,
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2010) Das Schauspiel der Schande und der PR Wert der Ehre: Anatomie eines Skandals. Augenblick 48/49. Herbst 2010.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2010) Online Portfolios: The Integration of New Technologies into the Communication Curriculum. Preparing for the Future: Studies in Communication Sciences in the EHEA. Madrid: Fragua. Pp.108-115.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2009) Honor and Public Opinion. Human Studies. volume 32, number 3.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2009) Everyone Knows. Public Opinion in Philip Roth’s contemporary tragedy “The Human Stain” Philip Roth Studies. Volume 5, number 1.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2007) “PR: Historical Classics and Contemporary Masterpieces”. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. (2007) “Honra y opinion en la Novela Picaresca Española” (Honor and Public Opinion in the Spanish Picaresque Novel) El Aleph 142 (July/September 2007) pp. 17-35.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J. C. (2006) “Machiavelli and Erasmus: The Divergent Fate of Two Names. An Inquiry into the Interrelation between Thinking, Reputation and Posterity”. LOGOI, Issue 10. July-December 2006. pp.9-28.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C. & Schinz, S. (2006): „Der Fall Uwe Barschel. Eine Ehrentragödie in der politischen Arena“ (The Case Uwe Barschel. A Modern Honor Tragedy) Politische Kommunikation. Thomas Roessing (Ed.) Baden-Baden: NOMOS Verlag. pp. 25-53.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C.(2002) Demoscopia y libre albedrío (Survey Research and Free Will) Comunicación y Sociedad. Vol. XV-2. December 2002. pp. 9-27.
Del Ama Gonzalo, J.C.(2001). Ehre und Öffentliche Meinung. Zur anthropologische Grundlegung einer Theorie der Öffentlichen Meinung (Honor and Public Opinion. Toward an Anthropological Foundation of the Theory of Public Opinion). Aachen: Shaker.
8th International Conference on Communication and Media Studies (Madrid, Spain, September, 2023) Media Consumption Habits and Current Concerns: How the Penetration of Social Media Is Impacting the Perceived Urgency of Issues
17th Annual International Technology, Education and Development conference (INTED, Valencia, Spain, March, 2023) A MAP OF WORRIES – HOW SOCIAL MEDIA IS IMPACTING THE PERCEIVED URGENCY OF ISSUES IN THE CURRENT COLLEGE GENERATION
15th Annual International of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI, Sevilla, Spain,November, 2022) THE CULTURAL QUOTIENT SCALE: IN SEARCH FOR A CONSISTENT PREDICTOR OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE
14th Annual International of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI, Sevilla, Spain,November, 2021) IMPACT OF MEDIA CONSUMPTION HABITS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE
3rd International Conference on E-Education, E-Business and E-Technology (ICEBT, Madrid, Spain, 2019). Role and Impact of Social Media in the Latino Achievement Gap.
International Conference on New Horizons in Education (Berlin, Germany, July 2017) Social Media and Academic Performance: A Cross-Cultural Study.
Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (Chicago, May 2016) Understanding the Latino Paradox: Acculturation and School Attitude
International Social Sciences and Education Research Conference (Berlin, October, 2016) Achievement Gap Among Latino Students in the USA
Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (New York, June 2016)
International Congress on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies (Granada, Spain, September 2015) Social Media in Higher Education: Penetration, Impact
5th International Conference on The Image (Berlin, Germany, October 2014) City and Fate
European Open Business School / Universidad Isabel I (Madrid, Spain, 2014) Student Generated Content in Online Instruction
4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership (Barcelona, Spain, October, 2013) Student Generated Content in Online Instruction
Relational Forms II (Oporto, Portugal, December 2012) Visual Popular Culture and Political Power.
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (Shanghai, September 2012) presentation on the subject: New Media in Barrack Obama’s 2008 Electoral Campaign.
School of Journalism at Fudan University (Shanghai, September 2012) lecture for faculty members and doctoral candidates on the subject: “The Twitter Revolution”.
School of Journalism at Fudan University (Shanghai, September 2012). Lecture for graduate students on the subject: “The converging paths of public relations and advertising: creating values Shanghai.”
Congreso Internacional «Imagen y realidad: el universo simbólico del poder en el Siglo de Oro» (Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, December 2001). “La fachada del poder. Nexo simbólico entre el poder y la opinion pública”.
I Jornada INCIR TV: Competidores y aliados. Medios en convergencia: la nuevos retos de la comunicación (Madrid, Abril 2011) “HbbTV hacia un modelo de convergencia en television”
Hybrid TV (Madrid, 2011)
Facultad de Comunicación Pública de la Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Abril 2011) lecture for faculty members and doctoral candidates on the subject:
“Internet and Public Opinion”.
I Congreso International: Los Estudios de Comunicación en el EEES (Huesca, Spain, October 2010) “Online Portfolios. The Integrations of New Technologies into the Communication Curriculum”.
(Madrid, March 2010) “The Show of Shame and the PR Value of Honor: Lessons From the Abu Ghraib Scandal”
CCSU Conference for the Diffusion of the Spanish Culture and Language (New Britain, Connecticut, March 2010) “Corrupción como seña de identidad nacional: Crítica y burla en el cine de Berlanga de la corrupción política en España a través de regímenes e ideologías”
International Learning Conference (Barcelona, Spain, July 2009) “Online Portfolios”
Congress of Americas (Mexico City, October 2008) “Communication Jihad: Paving the Way to the West” / “Moral Legitimacy and War: U.S. Communication Endeavors to Justify the Military Intervention in Iraq”
World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR, annual conference, Berlin, Germany, September 19-‐21, 2007) “Moral Hypertrophy: A methodological
concept for the detection of fundamentalism in its different manifestations”
Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain, September17, 2007, Master Lecture)
“Hipertrofia Moral y Fundamentalismo”
International Communication Association 2007 (ICA, annual conference San Francisco, USA, May 24-‐28, 2007) “Passing and Public Opinion: The Role of Public Opinion in Philip Roth’s Racial Labyrinth The Human Stain”
Congress of Americas (Lima, Peru, August 5, 2006) “Use and Abuse of Apologies in Contemporary Public Relations”
Internacional Conference of Arts and Humanities (Hawai, January 2006) “The discovery of the Façade. Erasmus and Machiavelli: Two Pioneers in the Field of Public Relations”
Connecticut State University Faculty Research Conference. (New Britain, October 22, 2005) “The discovery of the Façade. Erasmus and Machiavelli: Two Pioneers in the Field of Public Relations”
Don Quijote: Quadricentennial Celebration (CCSU, New Britain, CT February 28th, 2005) “Hidalguía, honra y hambre. Sueños de nobleza en la España de Don Quijote”
Universidad de Navarra (January, 2003) “Empirismo y conocimiento en la ciencias sociales” (Empiricism and Knowledge in Social Sciences)
University of Connecticut (Spring Semester 02 – Storrs, June 2002) “Elisabeth Noelle Neumann’s Personality Strength Scale: The Key to Identify Opinion Leaders?”
Mainz‐Allensbach Kolloquium (Winter Semester 01/02 – Allensbach, May 2002)
“Prinzipien der Cross-Cultural Werteforschung” (Principles of Cross‐Cultural Value Research)
Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, May 2001) “El diseño del cuestionario”
(Questionnaire Design).
Konstanzer Gespräche (Konstanz, March 2001) “Ehrenschutz und Meinungsfreiheit” (Protection of Individual Honor and Freedom of Speech)
Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, May 2000) “Límites de la Investigación Demoscópica” (Limits of Empirical Public Opinion Research).
Mainz-Allensbach Kolloquium (Summer Semester 98 – Mainz, Juni 1998): “Ehre und Öffentliche Meinung” (Honor and Public Opinion).
Mainz-Allensbach Kolloquium (Winter semester 96/97 – Allensbach, February 1997): “Öffentliche Meinung im Spanischen Schelmenroman” (Public Opinion in the Spanish picaresque novel).